Philosophy on Education

All children can learn when their environment is safe, welcoming and conducive to acquiring knowledge.  Creating this positive learning environment requires educators to utilize effective communication, strong classroom management, parental involvement, academic rigor, high expectation for all, collaboration and collegiality, acceptance of change and accountability.  Therefore, I began the process of implementing those above mentioned expectations 33 years ago. 

The education of our students requires educators to synthesize many components.  When we unify our efforts around a strong vision, sound educational practices, professionalism, and an environment of collaboration and collegiality, we create an environment for meaningful learning.  Therefore, my goals for ascertaining a sense of being a “life-long learner” are as follows:

  • To continue to support a school culture that reflects ongoing team learning and continuous improvement
  • To provide opportunities for my assistant principal to become more involved with stakeholders who support the school and its goal
  • To maintain a school culture that focuses on trust, communication, and collaboration